Wednesday, March 4, 2009

How Do I Live Without You: Google Notebook Edition

Like so many others using the Google Notebook service, I was totally bummed when they discontinued support a few months ago. I searched and I searched but I could not find a suitable replacement which provided all the various features I've come to know and love in notebook:

1) Grabbing quick excerpts from webpages and letting me add comments.
2) Tracking interesting Quotes (both from webpages and user-entered) and providing it as a feed which I then used at the bottom of this blog.
3) Organizing notes by both hierarchy (notebook/section) and more importantly by tagging.
4) Providing a killer search feature which scours my notebook for all the relevant notes I've left myself which mention that search topic.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Please Don't Use Port 80 (Unless You Are My Web Server)

I recently went to run a sample app which used port 80 for its web UI. Despite the fact that this strikes me as a horrible default(1. port 80 is the default for a web server so if you have one you can expect conflicts, 2. linux users can't touch port 80 unless they are root), I was shocked to find that something on my Windows XP laptop was already using that port. No web server was up and I only had a few programs running. I decided to go the old-fashioned route and popped open a command prompt:

> netstat -ao
ProtoLocal AddressForeign AddressStatePID

> tasklist /?
> tasklist /FI "PID eq 5108"
Image NamePIDSession NameSession#Mem Usage
Skype.exe5108Console043,008 K

So it turns out this has been a "feature" of skype for a very long time. To their credit, this was insanely easy to turn off (Tools->Advanced->Connection and uncheck "Use port 80 and 443 as alternatives for incoming connection"). But I'm still shocked/amazed that this would be on by default.